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关于12月28日(周五)Luchang Jin 学术报告的通知(Physics Department Colloquium)

发布时间:2018-12-25     来源:物理学系     编辑:phyzt     浏览次数:585

Title: Lattice QCD and Muon magnetic moment

Speaker: Luchang Jin

                University of Connecticut

Place: Room 201, Teaching Building 12

Time: Dec. 28thFriday, 15:00-16:00



Lattice QCD (quantum chromodynamics) provides asystematic way to study the properties of systems of quarks, anti-quarks, andgluons. Studies using lattice QCD usually involves large-scale computationswith computer resources on the order of 100 million core hours. I will give abrief introduction to lattice QCD and discuss one of its many applications -muon g-2. The muon g-2 is measured to very high precision by the BNL experiment(E821) and the accuracy will be further improved by the on-going Fermilab experiment(E989). The current experimental result from BNL is 0.00116592091(63). However,this result disagrees with the theoretical calculation (with similar precision)by about 3 standard deviations. This could be a clear signal of physics beyondthe standard model if the discrepancy remains after the Fermilab result andmore accurate standard model prediction are obtained. Lattice QCD is crucial inobtaining the standard model prediction with needed accuracy, because thecurrent theoretical uncertainty is dominated by the parts described by QCD.


Short Biography


Luchang Jin isan Assistant Professor of Physics at the University of Connecticut. Hegraduated from Peking University in 2011. Then, he went to Columbia Universityand received his Ph.D. in 2016, under the supervision of Professor NormanChrist, and earned the Intel Fellowship for exceptional research achievementsby a Ph.D. student. Afterward, he joined Brookhaven National Lab as a researchassociate until his current position in 2017. Luchang is one of the activeyoung experts in lattice QCD calculations, especially those involving QEDinteractions as well. He has made significant contributions to the theoreticaldetermination of the muon anomalous magnetic moment, where the hadronic part isthe leading source of uncertainty and inputs from lattice QCD are crucial. Healso helped the development of the framework of quasi-PDF, which allows partondistribution functions to be calculated from the first principle using latticeQCD.

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