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关于10月11日(周五)Rosario Fazio学术报告的通知(Physics Department Colloquium)

发布时间:2019-09-29     来源:物理学系     编辑:phyjd     浏览次数:404

题目:Dissipative phase transitions insynthetic matter

报告人:Prof. RosarioFazio, Headof the Condensed Matter & Statistical Physics Section, International Centre for Theoretical Physics,Trieste, Italy

地点: 教十二―201

时间: 1011日,周五,10:00-12:00


Thanksto the recent impressing experimental progresses, the investigation ofnon-equilibrium properties of driven-dissipative systems in quantum systems hasreceived an impressive boost. This activity revived the study of dissipativephase transition in synthetic matter, originally started with Josephsonjunction arrays. Rydberg atoms in optical lattices, systems of trapped ions,exciton-polariton condensates, cold atoms in cavities, arrays of coupled QEDcavities, are at present the most intensively investigated experimentalplatforms in relation to this aim. The predicted steady-state phase diagram ofthese driven dissipative systems becomes incredibly rich, displaying a varietyof phenomena. I will discuss several aspects that are peculiar of thesesystems, not shared with the conventional equilibrium picture. I will discussin particular the possible existence of exotic phases in the steady state withconnections to time crystals and quantum synchronization.


Prof.Rosario Fazio received his PhD in Physics in 1990 from the University ofCatania (Italy). He is currently Head of the Condensed Matter and StatisticalPhysics Section at ICTP. He hasco-authored 300+ research articles. Hi research interests include Quantum informationin many-body systems, quantum transport in nanostructures, superconductivity,quantum simulators, non-equilibrium many-body systems and quantum heat engines.
