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关于12月27日(周五)翁征宇学术报告的通知(Physics Department Colloquium)

发布时间:2019-12-23     来源:物理学系     编辑:phyjd     浏览次数:551

题目:Novel signstructure of doped Mott insulators and its emergent physical consequences inthe cuprate



时间: 1227日,周五,15:30-17:30


How tomathematically characterize strongly correlated many-body electrons is one ofthe most challenging issues of condensed matter physics. Doped Mott insulatoris a typical strongly correlated electron system which may also be responsiblefor the high-Tc superconductivity in the cuprate. I will first discuss a neworganizing principle for the doped Mott insulator based on a novel non-Fermisign structure of the t-J model and its key many-body quantum mechanicsconsequences in comparison with numerical experiments, including the exactdiagonalization and density matrix renormalization group results.In the second part of talk, I will discussthe Fermi arc, two-gap structure, quasiparticle weights in nodal and antinodalregimes, peak-hump-dip in EDC and their doping dependence observed by the ARPESexperiment in the high-Tc cuprate as the emergent pseudogap phenomenon due tothe hidden sign structure.


