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关于12月4日(周五)顾威学术报告的通知(Physics Department Colloquium)

发布时间:2020-11-30     来源:物理学系     编辑:     浏览次数:617

题目:衍生玻色液体 固体物理的下半卷?

报告人:顾 威 / Wei Ku  李政道研究所及上海交通大学物理与天文学院

地点: 教十二—201

时间: 124日,周五,15:30-16:30



在泡利不相容原理强大的影响下,传统固体材料的物理性质几乎都可以由电子的费米液体行来描述 – 遵从费米-狄拉克统计的准粒子在原子核所组成的晶格中流动並对外在的扰动做出响应。然而, 30年前发现的非传统超导材料却在几乎所有的物理性质上皆呈现出“非费米液体”行为。包含随温度线性增长的低温电阻率、无上限的的高温电阻率、光电导中的无结构连续谱、随温度变化的霍尔系数以及强烈相位涨落的超导等等,皆反映出这些材料在低能下处于一种与费米液体截然不同的量子多体态。本报告将先介绍低能衍生物理的基本概念,再引入演讲者近年大力发展的衍生玻色液体模型。接着,经由列举其基本物理性质及其与实验大量吻合的比较,本报告将展望非传统超导材料的真正理解,以及衍生玻色液体可能自成一系成为固体物理至今尚未被发现的教科书下半卷。


After receiving his PhD degree from University of Tennessee at Knoxville in 2000, Professor Wei Ku conducted his postdoctoral research in University of California at Davis from 2001 to 2003.  He then worked as a staff scientist (Assistant Physicist, Associate Physicist, and Physicist) in Brookhaven National Laboratory and served as an Adjunct Professor in Stony Brook University since 2003, until he accepted the Zhiyuan Professor position in Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2016.  In 2018, Professor Ku was appointed Deputy Director of the newly found Tsung-Dao Lee Institute in Shanghai, assisting Founding Director Frank Wilczek, the 2004 Nobel Laureate in Physics.  His main research area is theory and computation of condensed matter physics in real materials, with contributions mostly in the field of strongly correlated materials, unconventional superconductors, realistic effects of impurities, electronic excitations, and first-principles computational methods.  He has published more than 80 manuscripts, about half of which are in high-profile journals like the PNAS, Nature Physics, Phys. Rev. X, and Phys. Rev. Lett.  He is currently developing an “emergent Bose liquid” theory for strongly correlated materials, and applying it to the description of electronic structure of some unconventional superconductors.

