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关于9月16日(周五)郭后扬学术报告的通知(School of Physics Colloquium)

发布时间:2022-09-14     来源:老版大阳城集团网站     编辑:     浏览次数:356

题目:Accelerate Fusion Energy Development by Leveraging High Temperature Superconductors and Advanced Compact Tokamaks

报告人:郭后扬  能量奇点聚变能开发公司





The demand for energy is exploding in coming decades. Countries around the world are increasing investment in clean energy development. As currently the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide (CO2), China strives to control the peaking of total CO2 emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. Fusion energy provides a non-CO2 emitting and environmentally friendly energy source, and controlled nuclear fusion is expected to be a key technology that can be a game changer in the global realization of carbon neutrality. Recent physics and technology innovations offer an exciting opportunity to accelerate progress for the development of economic fusion energy. A clear path has now emerged with breakthroughs in high temperature superconductor (HTS) technology and fusion science understanding, as well as advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and high-performance computing:

• Application of high field HTS pushes boundaries of absolute fusion performance at smaller scale, thus reducing the construction and operation costs of future fusion reactors;

• Development of advanced compact tokamak scenarios greatly enhances prospects for steady-state operation at strong magnetic fields and further improve fusion performance;

• AI and machine learning enable discovery of advanced plasma confinement regimes and improvement of operation scenarios, saving time and costs of fusion energy R&D, and help address key fusion technology issues.



郭后扬博士是全球范围内顶尖的等离子体物理和核聚变能源研究科学家,能量奇点聚变能开发公司联合创始人、CTO、等离子体实验研发负责人。曾担任新奥集团副总裁、聚变研发CTO,美国通用原子公司边界等离子体及材料研究中心主任,美国TAE公司首席实验战略家、实验运行部负责人,华盛顿大学首席科学家、FRC研究负责人,中国科学院等离子体物理研究所助理所长、托卡马克研究室主任。代表美国能源部长期负责中、美聚变合作研究计划,美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow),中国国家特聘专家, ITER科学技术委员会成员,中国磁约束专家组成员,参与和领导了三大洲最大的、正在运行中的磁约束核聚变研究计划,即欧洲JET、中科院EAST和美国DIII-D托卡马克的物理研究,以及美国华盛顿大学和TAE公司聚变研究。做出了许多开创性的贡献,研究成果发表于Nature Physics, Nature Communications, National Science Review, Physical Review Letters Nuclear FusionPhysics of Plasmas等国际顶尖学术期刊(共400余篇)。

