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发布时间:2023-05-17     来源:老版大阳城集团网站     编辑:     浏览次数:465

题目:Harnessing plasmonic hot carriers for nonthermal charge and energy transfers



Landau damping of surface plasmons generates hot electron-hole pairs, which carry an initial energy equal to the plasmon quanta before relaxation. These hot carriers are believed to open nonthermal pathways for photovoltaic and photocatalytic applications.  In this talk, I will report our latest results on plasmon induced hot carrier separation and vibrational energy transfer at metal nanoparticle (NP) surfaces. First, for AgNP@TiO2 interface, the hot electrons and holes are found to provide two competing and tunable channels for carrier injection and separations [1,2]. As a second example, hot carriers induced vibrational excitation and photodissociation of oxygen molecules are studied in an Anderson-Newns model with nonadiabatic electron-vibration coupling [3]. The nonthermal channel of energy transfer is found to dominate at low temperatures and in the quantum plasmon regime. We discuss the implications of these results to novel energy applications.  
 Jie Ma and Shiwu Gao, Plasmon induced electron-hole separations at the Ag/TiO2(110) interface, ACS Nano 13, 13658-13667 (2019).
 Jie Ma, Xindan Zhang, and Shiwu Gao, Tunable electron and hole injection channels at the Al/TiO2 interface, Nanoscale 13, 14073-14080, (2021); 15, 1754-1762 (2023), ibid.
 Shengxiang Wu, Yu Chen, and Shiwu Gao, Plasmonic photocatalysis with nonthermalized hot carriers, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 086801 (2022).

个人简介:高世武,北京计算科学研究中心(CSRC)讲席教授(2014-)。博士生导师,国家特聘专家。前瑞典哥德堡大学教授。中科院物理研究所博士(1990), 瑞典Chalmers大学物理系助理教授(1992-1997),Docent (1997); 哥德堡大学物理系副教授(1997-2005), 教授(2006-2014)。研究领域:材料理论和计算物理。主要从事包括电子结构,电子激发态, 表面动力学过程的理论模拟和计算研究 。著有近100篇学术论文和Elsevier百科全书章节。

