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关于6月30日(周五)陈世杰学术报告的通知(School of Physics Colloquium)

发布时间:2023-06-27     来源:老版大阳城集团网站     编辑:     浏览次数:378

题目:Computational prediction of RNA 3D structure





Abstract: Emerging biomedical advances, such as precision medicine and synthetic biology, point to RNA as the central regulator and information carrier. We are interested in predicting RNA structure, stability, and kinetics from the nucleotide sequence and computational design of molecules for therapeutic applications. For example, given the limited availability of known structures, how can we predict the native fold from the sequence? For a given RNA, how can we predict RNA-drug interactions? Using physics-based methods and deep learning techniques, we have recently developed new approaches to tackle these problems. I will describe some of these new advances in the talk.


Professor Chen received his PhD in Physics from the University of California, San Diego in 1994, studying non-equilibrium statistical physics and theoretical plasma physics. He was elected as Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS) in 2012 and Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in 2018. He is Associate Editor for PLoS-Computational Biology and Editorial Board Member for The Journal of Biological Chemistry. He is a Founding Board Member for The International Society of RNA Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine(ISRNN), and hosts multiple NIH and NSF projects. His research interests include prediction of RNA structure and functions and computational design of RNA-based therapeutic strategies.

