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海外大师论坛 | 11月7日(周二)Dario Poletti学术报告的通知

发布时间:2023-11-06     来源:物理学系综合网     编辑:     浏览次数:219

Title: Quantum transport in many-body quantum systems: Theory and Experiments

Speaker: Dario Poletti

Time: Nov. 7th (Tue.), 10:00

Location: Room 215



As in many-body quantum systems one can observe the emergence of different phases of matter, when they are coupled to baths interactions can lead the system to have very different transport properties. Can allow an interesting degree of control of transport at the quantum scale. In this talk we aim to give an overview of quantum transport in many-body quantum systems, with an emphasis on models and phenomenology. We will then discuss the experimental testing on quantum simulators. For this we will show a novel approach based on pure state statistical physics. We will show that this allows the study of non-equilibrium steady states, typically needing thermodinamically large baths, in finite and close quantum systems. More specifically we will show how non-equilibrium steady states properties can be probed and tuned, at the single component level, on superconducting quantum processors. We will conclude with an outlook on possible future directions.


Dario Poletti is the Head for the Science, Mathematics and Technology (SMT) cluster at SUTD. Prior to this, Dario was the Associate Head leading SMT Graduate programmes and research. He is also concurrently the Programme Director for the SUTD Honours and Research Programme (SHARP).
Being one of the early faculty members who joined our Freshmore curriculum team in July 2012, Dario has actively contributed to SUTD’s pedagogy as well as research. In 2015, he was named in Asia Pacific MIT Technology Review’s Innovators under 35 list, and in 2017 the IoP Outstanding Referee Award for New Journal of Physics. Dario obtained his joint PhD in Physics from the National University of Singapore and the Australian National University, for which he received the Medal of Material Research Society of Singapore for the best PhD thesis in NUS Physics Department in 2010. Before that he earned a Master of Engineering (Nuclear Engineering) from Politecnico di Milano and Master of Engineer (Applied Physics) from Ecole Centrale Paris. His research areas focus on Complex Quantum Systems, including the topics of Quantum Transport, Quantum Thermodynamics, Quantum Chaos, Quantum Computing, and development of advanced classical numerical methods to study these systems. He has more than 90 publications appearing in journals including Nature, Nature Quantum Information, Physical Review Letters and Review of Modern Physics.