陈庆虎 教授/博士生导师/教育部新世纪人才
安徽贵池人,1966年生;1994年在中国科技大学 获理学博士学位,1994-1996 在老版大阳城集团网站物理系从事博士后研究,1996年起在老版大阳城集团网站 任教;曾访问美国,德国,日本和香港特区等国家和地区。共发表或合作发表 SCI 收录论文 130 余篇 ,其中在国际著名刊 《物理评论》系列 PRL, PRA, PRB, PRE 上 40 余篇。
博士后 1994~1996 老版大阳城集团网站
博士 1992~1994 中国科技大学
硕士 1986~1989 安徽师范大学
学士 1982~1986 安徽师范大学
1. Shu He, Liwei Duan, and Qing-Hu Chen,Improved Silbey-Harris polaron ansatz for the spin-boson model,Phys. Rev. B 97, 115157 (2018)。
2. Shu He, Qing-Hu Chen, and Hang Zheng,Zeno and anti-Zeno effect in an open quantum system in the ultrastrong-coupling regime,Phys. Rev. A 95, 062109 (2017)
3. Jian-Ping Lv, Qing-Hu Chen, and Youjin Deng, Two-species hard-core bosons on the triangular lattice: A quantum Monte Carlo study,Phys. Rev. A 89, 013628 (2014).
4. Qing-Hu Chen,Chen Wang, Shu He, Tao Liu, and Ke-Lin Wang,Exact solvability of the quantum Rabi models within Bogoliubov operators,Phys. Rev. A 86, 023822 (2012)
5. Qing-Hu Chen, Yuan Yang, Tao Liu, and Ke-Lin Wang, Entanglement dynamics of two independent Jaynes-Cummings atoms without the rotating-wave approximation, Phys. Rev. A 82, 052306 (2010).
6. Yu-Yu Zhang, Qing-Hu Chen, and Ke-Lin Wang, Quantum phase transition in the sub-Ohmic spin-boson model: An extended coherent state approach, Phys. Rev. B 81, 121105 (2010) (an Editors' Suggestion + Rapid communication).
7. Qing-Hu Chen, Yu-Yu Zhang, Tao Liu, and Ke-Lin Wang, Numerically exact solution to the finite-size Dicke model, Phys. Rev. A 78, 051801(2008) (Rapid communication).
8. Ke-Wei Sun, Yu-Yu Zhang, and Qing-Hu Chen, Quantum phase transition in the one-dimensional period-two and uniform compass model, Phys. Rev. B 79, 104429 (2009)
9. Qing-Hu Chen and Xiao Hu, Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions of Vortex Matter in Three-Dimensional Layered Superconductors. Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 117005 (2003).
10. Qing-Hu Chen, Lei-Han Tang, and Peiqing Tong, Anomalous finite-size effect in superconducting Josephson junction arrays, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 067001 (2001).
E-mail: qhchen@zju.edu.cn
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