Editor: 周婷 Time: 2018-08-30 Number of visits: 772
In 1991, following the proposal of Prof. T. D. Lee (Columbia University, Nobel Laureate) and Prof. Y. X. Lu (the former president of Zhejiang University), Zhejiang Institute of Modern Physics (ZIMP) was officially founded in Zhejiang University, Prof. T. D. Lee was appointed the director. ZIMP was authorized to set up the postdoc training program in physics in 1991, and it became a supporting unit of the discipline of theoretical physics in Zhejiang University. A number of young researchers have been attracted to ZIMP since 1991. Some of them now become academics leaders and play key roles in various research fields. In 1998, the academician Xian-Tu He, a well-known theoretical physicist, an atomic scientist, took the chair of the School of Sciences and the vice director of ZIMP. He apperceives the modern trends of physics, guides the research directions and explores the research area unceasingly.
Add: No. 8 Hainayuan Building, Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University, 866 Yuhangtang Rd, Hangzhou, 310027, P.R. China
Tel: +86-571-87953325
Fax: +86-571-87951895
Email: yongyi@zju.edu.cn